Collaborating centers and companies

Biopticka laborator s.r.o. offers gynaecological, surgical, dermatological, gastroenterological, urological, ENT practical and clinical examinations of cytology, including gynaecological cytology, biopsy, immunohistochemistry and molecular genetic examinations.
PanoramaTM test
World’s most reliable and accurate screening method for prenatal diagnosis. It is an examination of free DNA in the fetus, which is found in the blood of every pregnant woman. It is a non-invasive test, more specifically an examination of a small sample of blood taken from the vein of a pregnant woman.
More information at [CZ]
LBC cytology
New in cytology: ThinPrep PAP test – a modern, highly reliable test for cervical cancer.
More information at [CZ]
Biopticka laborator s.r.o.
Mikulasske nam. 4
326 00 Pilsen
Czech Republic
Phone: 373 035 500
Fax: 377 440 539
GENVIA s.r.o.

GENvia, s.r.o. offers clients the counselling with clinical geneticist and a wide range of laboratory genetic testing in its cytogenetic laboratory. Long term experience together with a qualified team and modern equipment guarantee the quality of provided services. The laboratory holds a Certificate of Accreditation and also a Permit for Donor Examination. The quality of the work is constantly monitored by supervisory audits of ČIA, o.p.s. and SÚKL
GENvia, s.r.o. offers two conveniently accessible genetic clinics, one in the center of Prague at Karlovo náměstí 7, Prague 2 (1st floor, building with a green facade, metro B Karlovo namesti), and the other in the clinic Hloubětín, Mochovská 38 (1st floor of the Havana pavilion, at the metro line B Hloubetin).
Genvia laboratory provides testing of both fetal and adult karyotypes and chromosomal rearrangements by the method of chip technology (Array CGH). It also offers examination of gynecological oncology patients using the NGS method, including a medical counselling..
Detailed information on the range of examinations offered can be found on the website:
Genetic clinic Prague 2: Karlovo náměstí 7- 1st floor, Prague 2, 120 00
Genetic clinic Prague 9: Mochovská 535/38, Prague 9, 190 00
chief physician: MUDr. Kamila Světnicová
phone: 222 162 301
mobile: 777 669 470
AGEL – Ambulance lékařské genetiky

Our genetic outpatient clinic of Agel provides genetic counselling for all medical branches.
We offer:
- genetic counselling and testing during pregnancy (counselling in case of abnormal result of the screening for chromosomal defects and in case of fetal abnormalities detected by ultrasound, if necessary, also indications for invasive testing, risk assessment in case of medication used in pregnancy or contact with infection or family or personal history of genetic disorders)
- genetic and clinical examination of children and adults with abnormal developmental or mental disorders
- genetic and clinical examination of children and adults with sensory defects (hearing defects and hereditary eye diseases)
- genetic and clinical examination in case of suspected inherited disease in personal or family history
- genetic examination of patients with oncological diseases in personal or family history
- clinical and genetic examination of couples with infertility, possibly comprehensive examination before artificial insemination
- examinations before planned pregnancy in partners working in a high-risk environment or after oncological treatment
Zenklova 37/2, Praha 8, 180 00
Genetika MUDr. Věra Krutílková
Tel.: 601 122 152
Metro B station Palmovka; tram 3,10,24 station Libeňský zámek
Metro C Kobylisy, tram 3,10,24 station Libeňský zámek

GYMUNO, Ltd. is a private medical facility whose main mission is to provide specialized medical care at a professional level. The company was founded in 2008 and currently provides medical care in the fields of gynaecology and obstetrics, neurology, sonography and imaging methods, rehabilitation-physiotherapy, orthopaedics, cardiology and occupational health services.
GYMUNO, Ltd. has state-of-the-art diagnostic technology that enables comprehensive and timely prevention and subsequent treatment. The team of GYMUNO consists of experts who have many years of experience in their fields. An individual approach to the needs of patients is a matter of course.
GYMUNO, spol. s r.o.
Kischova 1732/5,
140 00 Praha 4
Tel.: 222 265 420, 222 265 421, 222 265 422

Our company Nimotech, s.r.o. is a professional trading, service and consulting company established in the field of medical technology and equipment since 1986. Since the beginning of its operation on the Czech market, it specializes mainly in complex supplies of medical equipment for public and private sector. surgery, cardiology, cardiac surgery, neurology, orthopedics, dermatology, etc., including operating room equipment.
We specialize mainly in ultrasound technology SAMSUNG, operating and examination lights DR. MACH, electrosurgical systems MEGADYNE, KENTAMED, MGB, INTEGRA etc., laparoscopy WISAP and MGB, fetal monitoring BIONET and monitoring of vital functions MONICA.
In addition, we organize in cooperation with MUDr. Veronika Frisová, Ph.D. annually FMF CERTIFIED COURSES- for gynaecolgists.
At present, the company employs around 25 people who regularly attend a number of trainings and courses, thus meeting all the necessary requirements for education and qualifications.
registered office:
Šumavská 416/15, 602 00, Brno
CZ office Brno: Karáskovo náměstí 20, 615 00, Brno
CZ office Prague: Lednická 1533, 198 00, Prague 9 – Kyje
CZ web: